Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pink Leather iPad Case

I have been having fun with my iPad these past couple of weeks.  I was initially going to get the iTouch (the Model (middle child) has one & I liked it)  but mini-me told me that the iPad would be better for me to see and had more features!  The 11 year old knew so much about these I was amazed!!  She is definitely an old soul! So I went to look and asked alot of questions (I always do my research before purchasing anything -  a bit OCD about that).  I went home did more research on the computer and decided it was better for me.  I went the next day and purchased one.  When I asked for a case I was shown a hideous brown case selling for $59.99.  I said no thanks and went home & stayed up for hours amazed at what this little computer could do!  I had all of the materials to make my own case so I started with the padding, just took the measurements and sewed right sides together on my serger.  I used some of this navy blue soft light quilt fabric that I have had a long time in my stash.

I had some pink leather to use for the actual case and decided to sew on my old Singer machine.  I knew it would sew the leather better than my new machine.  I cut out the leather with sharp scissors that I only use for cutting leather.  I was going to make handles but I usually carry my iPad like a notebook or it goes into my purse or it sits on the front passenger seat of my car, so I made a cover of how I use it.

It looked rather plain so I added some hearts that I cut out free hand to add to the front flap.

I then sewed a line down the middle of each heart to the flap.

Ta Da!! the new leather case made with materials and fabric that I already had!!  While I was on a roll I made a matching case for my crackberry with little hearts.

This was a simple project that mini-me and I did together and I have a fashionable protector for my iPad.